My future (dream) job
In my school all the kids had to learn some music and how to play an instrument.
The teachers chose the violín for me. (How they choose an instrument for each person is another long story). So, I begun to study on third grade, and I did not stop until I was graduated.
These year (2021), I was very insecure about what I want for my future, because there were a lot of things that I liked to do. I decided to take a year to think about it and I worked teaching music classes and a carpentry course for kids, and I loved doing it.
At the end of the year, I was convinced about two things: First, I wanted to continue studying music, and as well in the future I will work as a professor.
Now, I am studying Interpretación Musical at the Universidad de Chile, and my dream still being the same. I will work as a violín teacher in the places who needs music the most, and I am not worried about the money, I think it will come to me if I do what I love to do.
In addition, I would like to be part of an orchestra, because what you feel playing at one is marvelous. There I hope to travel around the world haha
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